Thursday 9 October 2014

Soapbox … let them vent

Once upon a time (and still today in Hyde Park, London) people would stand in the middle of the village square and have their say amid those willing to listen.

It’s this concept of “having your say” that Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University has adapted to the needs of the 21st century, but with one small change.

NMMU’s SOAPBOX is anonymous.

Whereas yesteryear when you literally stood on a box to be seen by anyone who might be interested and possibly face their abuse too, NMMU’s version allows you to have your say without anyone ever knowing who you are!

Yes, it’s a safe, anonymous online platform for sharing by our staff and students.

You can say what you need to say without fear of prejudice.

Today, far too few people are prepared to publicly blurt out what angers or ails them, and so all their angst, irritations and hurts get swopped in the hushed gossip in office corridors, rarely reaching those who might be able to amend the negatives.

And so enter SOAPBOX, an electronic system that forwards the moans, groans, ideas and praises of staff and students to those who need to hear to them without the individual’s name ever being known. Not even the administrator of our SOAPBOX knows who the sender is.

SOAPBOX is an internal tool that gives people the opportunity to offload, and while we occasional receive a note of praise or suggestion for improving something on our six campuses or for our 27 000 students, the bulk of the contributions are complaints.

Here’s an insight to some of the latest offerings on SOAPBOX (because it’s on view for all to see – just like the individual in the village square of yesteryear).

anon | 07/10/2014 07:31:33
re "What's wrong with the Mr and Ms NMMU 2014/15 communique photo??"

Seriously?! Very "representative" group of students!!
I'm afraid the finalists can only be chosen from among those who enter.

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There was no toilet paper in the gents toilet in the basement in the library. Does the university expect students to use their hands?? This is really bad. Please fix it. We as students expect nothing but superior service our counter parts are receiving

Not sure what you mean. It looks fine to us?

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anon | 06/10/2014 11:34:49
Just want to say thanks for replying on the marine drive being closed for entrance in the evenings. Will the gate be available for access in afternoon after the upgrades?

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anon | 03/10/2014 09:14:55
Our "new democracy" is perpetuating a "culture" of misplaced self-importance!

We don’t mind that most of the feedback is complaints - about toilets, potholes, lack of packing, slack lecturers, lack of transformation, rude treatment etc – because we have the know-how and ability to channel them to the relevant parties to try to make good.

After all, if someone does not alert you to an issue, how are you supposed to fix it?

Isn't it better to take those moans, groans and rumblings to those responsible and aim for constructive improvement than to see them constantly circulate at the water foundation, tea table or office corridors without possibility of resolution?

And besides, it is also important to give people a place to offload … it makes us feel better just to share something with someone who is listening.

So yes, let’s vent … (but let’s also fix those complaints).


  1. Hi, I just wanted to ask if we could please get a coffee/hot chocolate machine in the FP building on missionvale campus. Currently there is no coffee on campus and we're struggling. Thanks :)

  2. Hi just wanting to know if it is possible to get a coffee machine such as a Nescafe one for example. Here on Missonvale campus in the FP building since we have nothing on campus. It will really help for the cold mornings in winter.
